Who We Are
Our Web of Change Makers
The EmpowR Transformation Web of Change Makers offer community leadership, guidance, engage in reciprocal support, contribute consulting capacity, and provide program expertise for EmpowR’s intentional work in service to transformative justice movement building.
We acknowledge the activists, change makers, culture builders, and thought leaders whose work EmpowR moves forward. The visions for crafting EmpowR came from many directions and many people have been involved in shaping, reflecting, and offering insight to support building EmpowR’s foundation. We are committed to practicing the principles of emergent strategy as we evolve into right relationship with our bodies, each other, and the Earth.

We host a community supported community for activists, facilitators, healing practitioners, organizers, parents, storytellers, teachers, witches, and anyone moving towards roles in the social change ecosystem. We are actively building a web of communal care and mutual aid to support our personal and family needs while building capacity to mobilize towards collective action for social and environmental justice movements. EmpowR Community is a community of practice rooted in somatic abolitionism and repair of the ecological and cultural harms of colonization to build a culture and world of love and liberation for us all.

EmpowR Transformation was birthed into being in 2019 as a way to support the Great Turning—shifting from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization. As one small container that works towards a collective vision of creating a just and liberated society that is in a relationship of reciprocity to the air, soil, and water that gift us life, EmpowR is also a story of grit, resilience, trauma, and transformation.
With deep intentionality and manifesting vision, visionary curator Rae Carter began to build a foundation for possibilities and conditions of belonging for New Earth. Inspired by imagination and purpose, catalyzed by a traumatic health crisis, powered by a career background tapestry, and driven by commitments to antiracism and decolinization, Rae began a quest to weave a web of heart-centered relationship with people working towards collective liberation, healing ourselves to heal humanity, and actively cocreating the world we want to live in.