Events & Programs

Piloted Educational Programs & Workshops

These educational programs are tested for success and available for organizations to hire EmpowR Transformation to offer as workshops or retreats to groups, teams, and communities. All programs have been piloted and implemented successfully, and can be adapted to meet the needs of your group. Collaborative design and facilitation is offered by members of the EmpowR Web of Changemakers.

In person programs can be held at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary in Plainfield, Vermont or a venue of your choice.
Online programs are offered via Zoom.

EmpowR is also calling in sponsors and collaborators to offer these programs to broader audiences for deeper impact.
Send us a message if you are interested in helping to bring our incubation work out into the world!

Programs & Workshops Available for Your Group or Organization:

All can be adapted to meet your group or organization’s specific needs, entry points, and accessibility.

Belonging Together Facilitation Training

Immersive course to evolve facilitation skills for equitable communication,
inclusion of diverse perspectives and voices,
and building cultural conditions for belonging.

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Examination and Accountability of Whiteness

Examination into how racialization in whiteness perpetuates oppression
and how to shift away from white dominant culture and be in wholeness.

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EmpowR Equity Integration Retreats for Organizations

A professional development workshop for people working in communication, community outreach,
human resources, and organizational development.

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EmpowR Equity Integration Retreats for Organizations

Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary retreats for groups and teams to build capacity for shared learning, sharing power, and to deepen understanding and integration of equity practices in personal life and organizational culture.

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EmpowR Male Allyship Cohort

A learning cohort for men to build capacity for male allyship in family, work, and social situations. 

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EmpowR Equity Integration Retreats for Organizations

Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary retreat for people working in change making organizations
committed to transformative justice and social equity.

“In spring 2023, staff at Northeast SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) appreciated a reflective and nourishing EmpowR Transformation retreat to deepen our relationships with each other and to support our continued commitments to building our personal and organizational anti-racist practice. Our team needed to create time and space to develop more sustainable practices so we can continue navigating the complexity of change presented in diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice efforts. Retreat facilitation invited us to lean into other ways of knowing and to support expanding our capacity for intense and challenging conversations. The collaborative design process also held space for our team to slow down,  re-ground in our bodies on the land and practice communal care, together. The retreat was perfect for both welcoming in and orienting new staff as well as supporting experienced staff members to deepen into their learning.”

~ Heather Ormand, associate director, Northeast SARE

“Thank you for taking the time to teach me and others in community about how to start deconstructing white supremacy culture within ourselves. Our weaving retreat helped me see how to move beyond white guilt and shame and to understand that these systems are designed to erase ancestral culture and keep us separate. And while it’s not easy to talk about these things, it’s important because it helps us find our voices to advocate for change.”

~ Gaby G, Winooski VT

EmpowR Vermont Sunburst

Nature-based Retreats

Cocreate a customized retreat at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary for your group, team community, or organization.

Seating for an EmpowR event dialogue circle at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary in Plainfield, Vermont

Past Events & Programs:

Past events and programs can be reinvigorated into workshops, classes, and events for your group or organization.
Contact us to offer or plan for a collaboration.

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