Energy & Sound Healing Sessions
Embodied Healing Experience at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary
Deepen Your Healing Practice with a Fully Somatic Experience
Energy, Sound & Earth Medicine Woven Together
Receive the Magic of Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary
Energy & Sound Healing Sessions are an embodied and somatic immersion experience at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary. Sessions include a combination of trauma-responsive conversation, guided visualization/journeywork, oracle cards, Reiki, plant-infused bodywork, sound therapy, and a solo integration experience in an indoor or outdoor Sanctuary space.
Each session is three to four hours depending on how long you linger in the solo integration experience. Sessions are offered year round and can include outside and inside spaces, depending on weather and options chosen for your individualized session. These sessions are powerful medicine for people working on deeper layers of healing and transformation.
Sessions are offered for people with existing relationship to EmpowR who have:
- Worked with Rae in any type of one-on-one session;
- Participated in EmpowR programming;
- Current clients in any area of EmpowR Transformation’s work;
- Members of the EmpowR Community, regardless of membership level;
- Friends and colleagues who are in relationship with Rae.
If you are not in existing relationship and would liken to work with Rae in an Energy & Sound Healing Session, please schedule a Holistic Wellness, Communication/Voice, or Intuitive Counsel session first.