Training Course

SOLD OUT! Belonging Together: A Facilitation Training Course for Space Holders

Communication & Facilitation Professional Development

Immersive unlearning and relearning course to evolve facilitation skills for trauma informed equitable communication, inclusion of diverse perspectives and voices, and building cultural conditions for belonging. Embody and integrate circle facilitation practices for dialogue where power is shared, whole selves are valued, and listening is centered in the heart.

This 6-week course will support you to:

  • Build skills for relationship centered and emergent meeting planning.
  • Create spacious flow in conversations to support trust building.
  • Deepen awareness and clarity with cultural responsive language.
  • Develop a practice of working with embodied somatic practices in facilitation.
  • Navigate how to manage conflict resolution, repair, and restorative practices.
  • Practice trauma-informed and communal care facilitation techniques together.
  • Recognize shadow projections and engage multiple intelligences to support your experience.

The Belonging Together Facilitation Training Course is offered online and includes a mix of presented content, resource sharing and reflection, cultural/group somatics, and practicing together in a generative and supportive space.

Experience belonging together in facilitation community with people working towards humanity’s evolution and build skills to ripple transformative ways of holding space into your work.

Facilitation Training Course

Link sent upon registration


January 9
January 16
January 23
January 30
February 6
February 13


1:00-3:00 pm EST

Meet the Trainer
Rae Carter Vermont

Rae Carter (she/ki) is a communication facilitator and the founder of EmpowR Transformation, an equity consultant with The Creative Discourse Group, and a healing arts practitioner in the University of Vermont Integrative Practitioner Network. Rae weaves embodied antiracist culture building, gender affirming values, experiential and nature-based learning, trauma-informed practices, holistic healing, and animist spirituality into capacity building work to shift limited perspectives, disrupt dominant patterns, navigate conflict, reimagine communication, and bridge micro and macro behavior change for transformative justice.

This course is informed by Rae’s practice and study with The Circle Way, Rockwood Leadership Institute, Education for Racial Equity, Center for Transformation & Change, adrienne maree brown, Divorcing White Supremacy Culture; client work with EmpowR Transformation and The Creative Discourse Group; a 20+ year career in communications including owning a grassroots public relations business and serving as communications director at the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund/Vermont Farm to Plate Network; six years navigating the nuance of inclusion and exclusion in women’s circles, and her role as a community herbalist at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary where she is in deep relationship and communion with the land.


Session Design

Sessions are every Thursday from 1:00-3:00 pm beginning January 9. Resources will be provided relevant to each session. Sessions are designed around these content themes:

  • Agenda and meeting planning (January 9)
  • Circle process background and techniques (January 16)
  • Designing for content, conversations, conflict & engagement (January 23)
  • Emotional agility, group energy dynamics & nervous system regulation (January 30)
  • Language changes, use, and cultural responsiveness (February 6)
  • Moving beyond white dominant culture behaviors and norms (February 13)

Course Zoom Norms
Please arrive on time. You are welcome to eat food and are asked to be on camera without performance or perfection. This is an experiential learning course so how we engage with each other energetically is part of the course. Live participation is necessary for full course benefits. Sessions will be recorded but will not include all course dialogue or small group conversations due to confidentiality and technical limitations. The experiential learning aspect will be missed if not attending the course live.

Please send a message with any accessibility requests or questions so all attempts can be made to meet your needs.

Zoom link and additional information will be emailed upon registration.


Tier 1 – $225
Paying for yourself/Soloprenuer with the following conditions:
~ I stress about expenses to meet all of my basic needs
~ I am underemployed or do not have much expendable income
~ I may not have stable housing and it can be challenging to find support from family and friends
If Tier 1 is still unaccessible, please send a message to receive additional support from the EmpowR Equity Fund.

Tier 2 – $300
Employer is paying and is a Small Business or Nonprofit with under 10 employees
Paying for yourself/Soloprenuer with the following conditions:
~ I am employed or have regular work to meet my basic needs
~ I am able to eat out and buy tickets to events and activities
~ I have some debt, but it does not prohibit basic needs
~ I may have access to financial savings or family to help me when times are tough

Tier 3 – $375
Employer is paying and is a business, nonprofit, or educational institution with over 10 employees
Paying for yourself/Soloprenuer with the following conditions:
~ I earn enough to meet my needs and contribute to savings or retirement
~ I own or rent a middle to upper income home; I can afford an annual vacation
~ I would like to act in solidarity and with people who may not have the same income advantages as I have
(Tips welcome to support the EmpowR Equity Fund)

Send a message to pay half up front and half later.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring this program to increase accessibility and participation,
please send us a message.  

REGISTER for the Facilitation Training Course

EmpowR Vermont Sunburst


Life happens! If you are unable to attend, please be respectful of our time and let us know/cancel your registration. You can pay the cost forward or request a refund up to 24 hours in advance. Cancellation refunds include a small fee to cover credit card costs. No refunds for cancellations within 24 hours of a program.