Awareness Amplifier Opportunity

Help Amplify EmpowR’s Work / Receive Herbal Magic

EmpowR Transformation is seeking help to let people know about our work so we can be a viable business and container for transformation. We’ve faced much constriction in building awareness and are empowering ourselves to manifest a new ease in sharing our work and having it be received so we can invite in prosperity to sustain our efforts!


  • 2 hours of support, 6-times a year to amplify and lift up programs/content/offerings published in the EmpowR Voice newsletter (on social media, to your network, hanging fliers, and any other creative ideas we conjure)
  • Engage and share EmpowR social media content on a regular basis
  • Be available to amplify programs/content/offerings when extra awareness support is needed


  • 6 gift packages a year of herbal remedies, magical creations, plant medicine potions, and other witchy awesomeness
  • Amplifier Community Zooms or get togethers to share helpful practices and learn from each other in awareness amplification (as feels aligned for the group; also a way to help build community among the amplifiers)
  • We will come up with other ways to support your individual needs as we begin to build relationship, including networking and healing support

To express interest and set up an interview, send a message

Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary herbal remedies

Initiate a Conversation