Wheel of the Year Ceremony

SATURDAY, AUGUST 2: Lammas Ceremony

Celebrate the Pagan Holiday of Lammas at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary.

Lammas, also known by the Celtic word Lughnasadh, celebrates the bounty of the harvest and abundance of medicinal and nutritional nourishment fresh from Mama Earth. We will gather at 4 pm and languish upon our Earth Mother, offer songs and blessings of gratitude for the abundance, and share a potluck picnic with special attention to local food. We will give spacious time to gather in community, share food together, and visit the gardens and woods.

A frolicking walk through Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary to gather wood and other gifts from nature will lead us to create a fire altar. All are invited to prepare a song, poem, story, or other artistic expression to share around a cocreative fire ceremony.

Join us for a relaxing, kid friendly Lammas Ceremony experience in community, on generous land, and fill up on gratitude and abundance.

Lammas Ceremony

Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary
Plainfield, Vermont


Saturday, August 2, 2025


Community Picnic 4:00-6:00 pm
Circle & Ceremony 6:00-9:00 pm


The EmpowR Transformation “Wheel of the Year” Ceremony series celebrates living in rhythm with the cycles of Nature (and our bodies which are a part of nature). We practice Pagan Earth-based spirituality in community and welcome people from any spiritual or cultural background. Our ceremonies are simple and invite anyone interested in connecting with Earth-based spiritual practices to remember our land-based roots before the harms of colonization severed our relationships with land and each other. We draw from the Celtic Wheel of the Year and Norse mythology as that is the ancestry of our facilitators and welcome all Earth-based spiritual practices and traditions in our cocreative space.

Wheel of the Year Ceremonies average 6-14 people depending on the time of year and are designed to be both intimate and expansive, always with spaciousness for emergence and flow.

All ages welcome. Please do a separate registration for each person over 18. Please send a message if a discount would be helpful for additional members of a family to attend.

Community Picnic begins at 4 pm. We will transition into a frolicking walk followed by opening our circle for ceremony at 6 pm.

Please bring food local to share from the abundance of the season to contribute to a community offering potluck table. Other picnic potluck dishes welcome and appreciated.

To Prepare
We will be outside in August in Vermont. Bring bug spray (non-deet preferred) and blanket, sheet, scarf, long sleeves/pants. This is a rain or shine event and in rain we gather under a porch or inside if necessary.

We will gather outside at Grandmother Cherry Sanctuary, under the trees, in the mountains of Plainfield, Vermont. The space is partially accessible–please communicate any accessibility needs ahead of time so we can plan for accommodation. Uley, the vocal and friendly cocker spaniel will greet you and join us in circle. Gentle, therapy type dogs are welcome.

Directions and additional information will be provided upon registration.


Tier 1 – $22
~ I stress about expenses to meet all of my basic needs
~ I am underemployed or do not have much expendable income
~ I may not have stable housing and it can be challenging to find support from family and friends
If Tier 1 is still unaccessible, please send a message to receive additional support from the EmpowR Equity Fund.

Tier 2 – $42
~ I am employed or have regular work to meet my basic needs
~ I am able to eat out and buy tickets to events and activities
~ I have some debt, but it does not prohibit basic needs
~ I may have access to financial savings or family to help me when times are tough

Tier 3 – $62
~ I earn enough to meet my needs and contribute to savings or retirement
~ I own or rent a middle to upper income home; I can afford an annual vacation
~ I would like to act in solidarity and with people who may not have the same income advantages as I have
(Tips welcome to support the EmpowR Equity Fund)

Send a message to pay cash in person at the event.

EmpowR Vermont Sunburst


Life happens! If you are unable to attend, please be respectful of our time and let us know/cancel your registration. You can pay the cost forward or request a refund up to 24 hours in advance. Cancellation refunds include a small fee to cover credit card costs. No refunds for cancellations within 24 hours of a program.